Saturday, 9 June 2012


warrington ...liverpool

SofaLand Logobad sofas keep away

now these people just want your money as soon as they get what they want  they are not intrested they will give you all kinds of bullshit like we have the best  after care service ours  is like no others out there well please take my advice and dont buy from them  they are parasites leeches dishonest and things change big time as soon
as they have your cash ....

SofaLand Logobad sofas keep away

they will tell you there prices are the best and nobody can better them  this is a joke please shop about and you will soon see and find much better so please all take my advice keep well away and save your money this is a warning to all and you wont regret my advice after a few months big holes will apear on your sofa the leather is really poor second grade they will give you all the best  after sales bullshit please take my advice and listen keep away from them ...

SofaLand Logobad sofas keep away

if you have a problem with your sofa they will ask you for pictures you have to write a letter telling them of all the faults you have they will blame your dog  your kids  and the cat anything to save them sending a technician out please do not buy from these scouse scumbags as they are nothing but scammers once they got your money thats it you will have nothing but probs with them all the time so take note you have all been warned there web site is below thanks and i hope you take on board what you have been told today 
now with any sofa anyone buys you get a 12 month cover as standard not with sofaland they will try every trick in the book to say you are not covered and this and that was not part of the 12 month cover that any normal company gives you 
go to dhl or dfs no probs they send someone out dont ask for pictures or you dont have to argue 
on phone with them big probs at sofaland they just dont care once the money has gone out of your bank acount or pocket ... i hope you have took my advice today and look for a decent company that wont scam you out of your money

warrington ...liverpool 

SofaLand Logobad sofas keep away